
Hey everyone! It has absolutely been a while since my last post and to be honest with you, I was all over the place mentally for a hot minute. I didn’t really have a clear focus on many things, including what I was/am supposed to be doing this year, or even yet, this month.

In midst of it all, I told my closest circle that I struggled with discouragement and shame because the plans that I had did not go as planned, haha. From relocating, to having a new job or career path, and even creating more content, I was so blinded by the fact that what I wanted to see was still not there. Ironic, right?

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Soon enough though, I decided to run back to God and to repent for my distractions. I decided to get out of my funk and simply surrender what I was holding on to. I decided to repent for my own deception in not seeing what He saw for me in this season. I took some time to just cry out and only release things I was dealing with internally and in return God filled me with His love in a new way every single day.

Ever since I came to God in a new level of vulnerability, I have been learning so much about being a woman, about being an adult, about being a mature Christian, and about being a leader in this generation. This might seem like a lot all at once, but I LOVE to learn. I enjoy being taught, especially by the Holy Spirit. All because I chose to repent. All because I made a decision to focus on what was before me and not only on what is ahead.

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DETAILS: jeans and mules-Ross, top-beau&arrow boutique, jacket&earrings-Forever21

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If you have recently found yourself in a rut of WHAT IS GOING ON WITH MY LIFE RIGHT NOW, be encouraged. It is OKAY. I am finding that we get so focused on goals at times, that we forget about our current mission. We forget to finish what we started. We get confused on what to do. We get muddled and all of a sudden there is nothing clear. Or we can get to the place where we are being consistent with what we are called to, yet still have no results. And this can also bring discouragement.

Like a good Father though, God is always there and He is willing to guide us with His right hand (Isaiah 41:13). Sometimes it might not be the way we envision it, but He is always leading us step by step (Psalms 37:23). Step by step! Dude that is SO hard! You only see your immediate next and not the step after. It can go in so many ways but man, your trust with God grows so much in those moments. Sometimes I think it takes more faith to follow step by step orders because it also requires submission and discipline.

It is so easy to have an end goal and try to figure it out as you go, in which is partly what God does, but more importantly, He was us to depend on Him. HIM. Not our understanding, not our practicality, but HIM.

There is so much joy and hope exerted when you obey what God is telling you to do. As hard as it can be at times, the peace of knowing that you are in the right place at the right is so freeing. All this to say: TRUST HIM. Focus on His orders. Finish this assignment strong. Run the race you were called to. Fix your eyes on the current goal. Discipline your attention. Be intentional about your energy placement. He is faithful to those who are faithful (Psalms 18:25).

Until next time..


*projects coming soon; be ready!*


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When I went into this Daniel’s Fast at the beginning of January, I expected to be rejuvenated and encouraged in many areas of my life. But to be honest, more than relaxing and taking a break from distractions, I had to passionately fight so many internal thoughts of doubt, fear, and impatience. Needless to say, on the very last day of the fast, everything changed.

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Breakthrough came and I feel completely new. I feel inspired. Accepting what is before me and being faithful with it. Simply refreshed.

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I have learned a lot of lessons over the last 21 days. I would say the most important one is that I am human and in desperate need of help from the One above. Not that I didn’t know this, but sometimes in our human nature we tend to think we have it all together. In reality, no matter how good we think we have it, there will always be something we will susceptibly fall for.

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Have there been any areas in your life that you need to fight?

I think it is important to be real with yourself and face all those insecurities head on to tell them who is boss. Confession is a huge part of transformation. Open up, cry a little or a lot, and allow God to help you in your deepest.

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Outfit Details –  Denim: american eagle | Boots and Top: H&M | Jacket: Thrifted | Hat: @MCMERCH

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Share any thoughts about your inner struggles. Let’s help each other in the fight.

#LiveLimitless | Tima G. ❤


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New year. New perspective.

The ending of 2016 was a weird one. One that challenged my faith, one that showed me weaknesses I didn’t even realize I had, one that seemed and felt unfinished.

Maybe I was the only one feeling that way, or maybe you still feel that way about 2016. I think it was a challenging year for a lot of people. I had many wins, but also many lessons that are still being taught and tested in my life. What are we supposed to do in the middle of this awkward tension? Do we quit? Do we say be gone and just pretend like everything is okay?

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With every single one of these opportunities to quit, I have learned to value my intimate moments with God more. In the midst of my struggles, I found myself more vulnerable with God than ever before. I am learning to be quiet, to be still, to open my mouth and be real, to keep the faith, to confess His word, to press through trials, to accept His grace when I don’t deserve it, to simply receive His love.

So many times we question God’s character because we don’t see results when we want to see them or how we want to see them. But this is really when our beliefs are tested and proved true. Do we still believe He is Healer when we get a cold or sprain an ankle? Do we still believe He is Provider when the promotion has not come yet? Do we still believe He is Comforter when we where backstabbed by our best friend? Do we still believe He is Truth when everyone at work lies and manipulates the rules just to get to the top?

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Clearly I have been thinking a lot about beliefs, faith, and God’s faithfulness in the last few weeks. Faith is such a wonder, such a mystery, but a sweet reality. I pray you faith becomes more real in your life this year. It is so simple yet because we overthink, we complicate it. And that’s when the tension begins to happen, leading to an opportunity of faith or doubt. I will admit that I began to doubt many things about my path, my career, my desires, my purpose. But even when I didn’t and still have not seen everything I thought I would have already, I still proclaim and believe He is Faithful.

To help my mind focus on His faithfulness and His Sovereignty, I am taking a break from social media and other things that I believe I need to pull way from. There is nothing wrong with social media, but I firmly believe that we can become consumed by it if not managed properly.

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I am doing this as part of our church’s 21 day fasting period this month. Fasting has never been so imperative in my life than this season. There are things that only can happen by us pulling away from distractions and simply being in tune with God intentionally. I pray you take the time and hear the Holy Spirit speak. Maybe you need to pull away from certain things in your life. It can range from food to hobbies to people. Just hear Him out. He will not lead you astray.

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I have so many expectations this year! For me, family, friends, church, and all of YOU my supporters. I love you all so much. I will be praying for all of you during this consecration time and would love to hear your thoughts on my blog, what you want to see more of, and even questions you might have about me. Share share share.

Talk to you in 21 days.

#LiveLimitless | Tima G. ❤


Trend: Over the Knee Boots

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I was intimidated until I tried these boots on. Found them randomly at Marshall’s for $59 (no sales tax in NYC; praise break!) and I am so glad I bought them.

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It was cold today, so I had to layer up. I figured by wearing the boots, I would look more put together than just with jeans and a hoodie 😉 it is all about balance and adding your own twist to the items you purchase.

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How would you style these boots? I can’t wait to play around more and wear them more often.

#LiveLimitless || Tima G. ❤

Life Update: Part 2

Many of you have been wondering why I haven’t moved as I said I would have by now. Although there are multiple variables in this equation, there is one major reason for the slight adjustment of my plans. At first, I hesitated to even say what I am about to express because I didn’t want to be embarrassed, I didn’t want to feel as if I could not meet deadlines, and among a plethora of other thoughts, I did not want to appear weak. But I know I have to because it is my responsibility to help others out in the same situation I am in or will be in.

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About two months ago, I had a meeting with my dear big brother/mentor/pastor/spiritual father. As I met with him, he was excited to hear me step out on faith but he also wanted to help me by guiding me with wisdom. So, what did he do? He gave me homework that included writing my vision, goals, and practical steps to achieve them.

I did my homework and a few weeks later, I presented the assignment to him. I was nervous but at the same time, I rested assured in what God had given me to accomplish in NYC. Needless to say the meeting was successful but it also gave me a different perspective.

My leader believed I should give my move a little more time before I jumped out on faith due to multiple factors not being solid YET. I say YET because they were/are being worked on and the answers have not been a solid YES. God is not a God of confusion (1 Cor. 14:33), and lowkey I was confused about some decisions I needed to make. Like a good leader, he did NOT force me to make the decision, but he confidently suggested that going to New York for two weeks would be a great time to EXPLORE the land to see what it was like, to see the people, the strongholds, the issues, the neighborhoods, the transportation, and everything in between.

Numbers 13:17-20

Then Moses sent them to spy (explore, scout) out the land of Canaan, and said to them, “Go up this way into the South, and go up to the mountains, and see what the land is like: whether the people who dwell in it are strong or weak, few or many; whether the land they dwell in is good or bad; whether the cities they inhabit are like camps or strongholds; whether the land is rich or poor; and whether there are forests there or not. Be of good courage. And bring some of the fruit of the land.” Now the time was the season of the first ripe grapes.

As soon as I got home, I prayed. But deep in my heart, I knew that this was the best decision for NOW. I took a couple of days and made my decision. And this decision gave me courage. I believe I would have added so much pressure to my life I would have been forced to get a side hustle to earn money, to find a home because hotels are oh so expensive, to make friendships happen, etc. Pressure is good in the right context; but this would have been too much too soon. Who knows what else could have happened if I would have moved on October 28th foreal!? We will never know.

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Wow. What a journey it’s been so far! Honestly, I have learned so many things from being in the middle of this leap of faith. The main thing I have learned is to be led by God but also consult with leaders you TRUST. The Word says in Hebrews 13:17 to “Obey your spiritual leaders, and do what they say. Their work is to watch over your souls, and they are accountable to God. Give them reason to do this with joy and not with sorrow. That would certainly not be for your benefit.” It is not because they rule your life; it is because their responsibility is to watch over your souls. Even if they make a mistake, they are accountable to God and God can restore it all. God honors submission/obedience. And truly, I would rather submit to someone whom I believe hears from God than to go out on a whim and pretend like I know what I am doing. Yes, it sucks to not be in the city right now, BUT I am thankful for leadership that cares about me and my future.

I encourage you to reach out to the people whom know your journey, your heart, and have your best interest in every aspect of life. Also, time is KEY but don’t feel pressured by it. I know I was. My mind has changed a little and I now use deadlines as markers to guide me along the right path. OH yea. Before I forget, know that it is okay if you do not meet a deadline.

Your purpose is still YOUR PURPOSE.

Your calling will not be taken back (Rom. 11:29); God is bigger than our plans and His will ALWAYS prevails (Prov. 19:21). If you have been stuck or feel like there is a delay, know that God is literally working it all out because He cares about it all (Rom. 8:28). Focus on HIM, not the task. HE is our reward (Gen. 15:1). And will always be.

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If you have any questions, suggestions, comments, or would like to contribute to my move, contact me at or via social media (IG/Snapchat: @timagstyle).

The date of my move is TBA but trust me, you guys will know!

Talk to you guys soon.

#LiveLimitless | Tima G. ❤

Life Update: in NYC

Hello everyone. As many of you know, at the end of August I announced that I would be moving to New York City on October 28th. Guess what?? I am HERE!!! WOO HOO! I cannot believe I am in the place I will call home VERY SOON!

*car break sound effect*

You might me wondering, what do you mean very soon? Well…. Let me catch you up on some things.

I have always wanted to move to the city. Since I began to be interested in fashion, around my 9th grade year of high school, I was interested in this big city. The fashion, for the most part, but also the hype of why so many people wanted to live here. So… as I began to truly dedicate my life to Christ, God began to show me more than just the city; He showed me purpose for the city.

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My first ambition was to come and look good. Show my fashion sense and just live here because it was the thing to do. Reflecting on this motive, I see how selfish and lowly I was thinking. I was thinking from a worldly perspective instead of a heavenly perspective. Through seasons of maturing in my faith, my confidence, and in serving others, I have been molded for a greater purpose than just myself—to build God’s kingdom in the fashion industry.

Just like you, I have many questions on how it is all going to come together, on how the resources are going to come, on which people to connect with to get things done, etc… BUT the bottom line is that I am willing to do what it takes to move forward in my life and to help others do the same. I want the industry to see Jesus in a way they have never seen it. Whether I get rejected or accepted, my conviction of Jesus being Lord of all will remain.

I was blessed to have two of my best friends come transition me in this trip and I am thankful they are friends that are willing to sacrifice for me.

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Brooklyn Bridge!
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Grand opening of the new NYX store in Manhattan!

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Pizzeria in Soho
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Joe and the Juice
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Train Commutes are fun lol

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Moving on kids…

Regardless, I have not made the transition to NYC yet. But my hope and dreams are still unshakable. I will be back soon and cannot wait.

I pray this post encourages people who want to move, who want to be entrepreneurs, who are afraid of what people will think, who do not know how your plans are going to workout. Know that it is okay to be at that place and that things will work out. Be diligent and faithful with what you have, and the Lord will add the increase. 

Love you guys!

#LiveLimitless | Tima G. ❤

@timagstyle on IG/Snapchat

Trend: The Pleated Skirt

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When it comes to style, I am not much of a “girly-girl.” I love things with edge, that display that I don’t play–lol yet I love to throw slight hints of me being delicate and kind. Feminine pieces are great but I love to mix such items with unexpected hints of…ME.

I have seen a lot of my favorite bloggers and magazines displaying the pleated skirt in such lady-like ways that I decided to wear one in slightly two different ways. Of course I am a lady, but I have to express this femininity in my uniqueness.

Pleats and Sneaks

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The first way I wore the pleated skirt is with sneakers. (I found this skirt at my local Salvation Army Thrift Store.) I paired it with an old cargo bomber I had traded in at Urban Cheapskate and a white camisole to keep things neutral and airy, since it was hot as ever that afternoon.

I serve at my awesome local church (Transformation Church) in our media department, so being behind the scenes of photography and social media always has me on the move. This means that comfort, especially on my feet, matters. I tried the outfit on to make sure I did not look like a complete mess the previous night, even though 95% of the time I do not ever plan my outfits (I just wing them). Needless to day, I really enjoyed this look and plan on wearing my sneakers with another thrifted skirt I got for colder days. 😉

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Pleats and Studs

The second way I wore this skirt, in which I think is my favorite, is with my studded heels. I purchased these online at Forever21, and yes they are heavy and can be uncomfortable after wearing them over 5 hours BUT cmon, they are dope!

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Can we talk about slayage? LOL. Lowkey when I saw these pictures, I took a second look because my hair was unplanned, I was sweating, and my feet were throbbing after such a long day. Shoutout to my beautiful photographer that happens to be one of my best friends, Ryanne G.

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How do you prefer on wearing skirts? Dressed down or dressed up? Comment or tell me about it on my social media 🙂 follow me @TIMAGSTYLE on IG/SnapChat.

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…and don’t forget, #LiveLimitless.

Tima G. ❤


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Wearing heels and walking everywhere is not the most comfortable. For Day 2, I would still wear neutrals, preferably warmer tones, and sneakers. The perfect balance of classy, urban, and sporty was what I was going for. I love to mix things around and capture someone’s eye with the most unexpected attire.

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Details: trench from F21, tee dress from Beau and Arrow, sneakers by Adidas X Stella McCartney.

Also, may I mention how obsessed I am with these Adidas X Stella McCartney sneakers? They are the perfect pair of comfortable and luxurious sneakers. I purchased mine at

Comfort is everything. Invest in sleek and comfortable footwear that will also make a statement.

#LiveLimitless || Tima G. ❤

What Would I Wear If In NYFW

DAY 1:

I would absolutely stick to neutrals. No heels; just boots, and big natural hair.

Keep it simple. Don’t over do it.Processed with VSCO with s2 presetProcessed with VSCO with s2 presetProcessed with VSCO with s2 presetProcessed with VSCO with s2 presetProcessed with VSCO with s2 preset

Wearing: F21 Trench, Old Navy Top, HM Pants, Louis Vuitton Wallet, Beau and Arrow Choker, Michael Kors Watch, Ray Ban Sunnies, and Estee Lauder Gloss.

How would you rock an outfit the first day of NYFW?

I’m ready for day 2 😉

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#LiveLimitless || Tima G. ❤

Who Are You?

In a world were we can easily crave to fit in, it has become the norm to follow after someone else and imitate what they wear, what they do, and essentially become who they are. Last night, I was spending time in the word of God and I heard the Holy Spirit ask, Who Are You? It caught me off guard because He is usually affirming who I am, and not asking me who I am. And to my surprise, instead of quoting scripture, I thought about what I did and not really who I was created to be.

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This made me listen to a sermon about courage, and in return, I can see that I will be am courageous. Every year I make it a priority to analyze evident patterns that help me see who I am. In example, last year I learned that I am very emotional but also persevering. This year, I am observing that I am moldable and willing. How can I choose these specific words to describe who I am? They come from the source I am taking the time to compare myself to—Jesus and His word.

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So I pose this question, who are you? Not what do you do, but who are you? Do you know who you are? Are you still trying to figure it out? That is totally okay. There are many things I have yet to uncover about myself, but I have an idea of who I am because of Whose I am. I want to encourage you to take the time to list things that are evident in your life that describe who you are. Set some time alone for yourself without distractions and begin to think of patterns or things you naturally expose to the world. Write it down. This list can serve as an affirmation list when trials come against you, when people label you, and when you are discouraged.

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I pray this helps you see yourself the way God sees you. He created you in a specific and unique way that He loves and enjoys. While there are worldly standards that man makes and attempts to achieve, God has already set in stone who we are. His standard is the only one worth comparing ourselves to.

And yet, O LORD, you are our Father.

We are the clay, and you are the potter.

We all are formed by your hand.

– Isaiah 64:8 

#LiveLimitless | Tima G. ❤